Talking To Toddler : Dealing With The Terrible Twos

Talking to Toddler

At age 1, your Toddler experiences a constant stream of discoveries and surprises. Sometimes happy or a bit unpleasant. She doesn’t yet have the vocabulary to talk about all those brand-new events and feelings but luckily, you do. If you choose your words wisely, you can foster clearer communication between the two of you, help her handle challenges, and even get her to behave better. Finding exactly the right thing to say can be tricky, though. To help out, here are some examples of effective phrases you can use when talking to your 1 year-old.

Talking To Toddler

“You really feel frustrated right now!”
When you realize that your Toddler is about to spiral into a tantrum, you can often get her to stay calm and listen just by kneeling down, looking into her eyes, and labeling her feelings for her. Your words help her process the feelings she’s having, and when she’s a little older, she’ll be able to say I’m so happy all by herself.

“Stop! That’s hot!”
To make a point about safety, keep it short and simple, using only three or four words. “No” to get your child’s attention if he’s in danger or hurting someone. But if he constantly hears “no,” he’ll begin to tune it out. If that’s the case, baby-proof your home so he can explore without encountering a steady stream of reprimands.

How to deal with behavior problems in children is in this FREE presentation below.
Here you will learn the following:
  • The only real reason your kids are not already well behaved.
  • The way most parents talk to their kids, causing them to do exactly what you don’t want
  • The crucial emotional bridge you MUST establish with your child before you try to change their behavior.
  • The one word you are probably abusing, which triggers those awful temper tantrums